Felicity A Clark   CST  MCSS                                                                                                                         

East Cornwall and Plymouth

Mobile 07878 259650   

Website: www.upledger.co.uk



Information about CranioSacral Therapy – Upledger


Common issues that often bring people for treatment:


Aches and Pains – Physical and Emotional

Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Depression and Insomnia

Headaches and Migraine

Chronic Fatigue and Energy Depletion


I offer a FREE initial consultation.

To find out more, free of charge how I can help you.

Contact reception on (01579) 344090 for an appointment


CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a hands-on holistic therapy, where the touch is gentle, non-invasive and usually subtle.  CST is also a powerful therapy that affects the central nervous system to assist in improving the efficiency of whole body.


CST evaluates and treats the CranioSacral System, which includes the bones from the Cranium to the Sacrum, the membranes and the fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord.


In the first session you will be asked for a medical and general health history, as well as anything that you wish to say about what brought you here today.   It is best to wear loose clothing so that the body can move freely if needed.  Treatments are reviewed as required.


The method of treatment begins with a ‘whole body evaluation’ in which the Therapist ‘tunes into’ the body of the client who is lying supine on the treatment couch; this is achieved by ‘palpating’ the CranioSacral Rhythm (caused by the movement of the Cerebrospinal Fluid within the system) using an extremely light touch (the weight of a 20pence piece) on the body at various places such as the feet; legs; body and head. 


The Therapist may assess that a particular area of the body is calling for attention, this is likely to be the starting point, but each and every treatment is unique, there is no prescription, only an open heart to what is needed on the day.


There are many techniques in CST covering the whole body in an holistic way, physically treating the body as well as working on any other level of awareness such as emotions; feelings and sensations; there is a ‘protocol’ of a series of steps that I like to do on a first treatment, but nothing is set in stone.


In CST we are working with the tissues; the fascia, in fact any part of the body that ‘calls for attention’. There is also something called ‘SomatoEmotional Release (SER) which is unique to the Upledger Institute of CST and supports the release of emotions held in the tissues.  


People come for treatment for a wide variety of conditions such as headaches; aches and pains; musculoskeletal problems including backache; ‘frozen shoulder’; sciatic and other nerve issues; anxiety and panic attacks; depression; post-traumatic stress disorder; gynaecological issues; fibromyalgia; chronic fatigue and many other issues, as well as sometimes a general feeling of ‘being a bit under par’ or non-specific but ‘not quite right’. 



What is CranioSacral Therapy (CST)?


CST is a gentle non-invasive bodywork and holistic therapy that has its origins in Osteopathy; taking its name from the bones of the Cranium and Sacrum, being part of the Spine.


The CranioSacral System itself is key in the process of maintaining the correct balance of environment in which the Brain and Spinal Cord flourish, nurturing and protecting the Central Nervous System. 


In CST there are certain specific techniques that are particularly helpful in aiding Autonomic and Homeostatic Functions – these are the systems that are constantly working away in the background to find and maintain our optimum balance of health and without which we would not be able to function (e.g. breathing; heartbeat and digestive processes).   


The Autonomic Nervous System is also responsible for the control of the ‘fight or flight’ response; when this is out of balance, anxiety may be heightened which can be exhausting for the person.


CST is used to evaluate and enhance the natural functions of the body, for example, facilitating the release of tensions in the Central Nervous System, which, in so doing, offers the possibility for every other connected system in the body to relax.  Working in this way, the body’s own powerful healing mechanisms are set in motion to self-correct, liberating itself from pain and discomfort.


CST is an holistic therapy that is rooted in a sound physiological and anatomical base that has the potential for powerful restoration of physical health and emotional wellbeing that happens when the body is efficiently working to it’s optimum capacity, free of restrictions.


Being such a gentle approach, CST is particularly suitable for the treatment of children and the elderly.  CST can work at any level, from the tiniest cell to the gross body area, in any dynamic possibility as the Therapist ‘treats what they find’.


Our CST mantra for working and bringing our Therapeutic Presence to each person in their treatment, is “Grounded – Blended - Neutral”.


How can it help me?


You may experience a deep relaxation, or you may feel an increase in energy; CST has the potential to kick-start the body’s natural healing process; perhaps you came here wanting change. The ‘Inner Wisdom’ is that part of ourselves that knows how to heal and in what order the steps are to take; it has brought you here; it will ‘scan’ for the Therapist’s skills – that is why different Therapists may pick up on different issues to treat within the same person.  In CST the Therapist works to facilitate your body healing and correcting itself.


The analogy of the ‘car service and MOT’ helps to understand how every little part needs to be working properly and sometimes needs a bit of attention, a little bit of oil to ensure that it runs smoothly, or a major overhaul; joints don’t work very well without being able to glide; timing irregularities can be costly on fuel and energy.  


It is very often the ‘everyday’ stresses and strains on the system that if left untreated, can build up to being something significant; having a CST treatment can help to alleviate this kind of tension and prevent its development into more serious symptoms.


CST is complex in its knowledge base; simple in its approach; powerful in its outcome.   Just by doing a (painless) ‘10step Protocol’ of following all the basic techniques for someone can change their life from for example, pain or a general feeling of ‘malaise’, to relief in the release of restrictions or physically held emotions. 


Sometimes people have got so used to feeling depleted in energy that they don’t realise it until the healing has occurred and they experience a new energy.  By releasing ‘stuck energy’ your body can experience a new vitality.


Other aspects of a treatment session may involve some dialogue using ‘Therapeutic Imagery’ in which feelings; sensations; images and symbolic ideas may surface; this way of working allows the tissues to speak for themselves in a creative manner.


Through the relaxation of tensions and restrictions with both physiological and emotional content, CST can work as a preventive measure and for managing symptoms generally and specifically as a complementary treatment, for most healthcare issues. 


There are some conditions that may not be ‘cured’, as in for example, Palliative care; however, CST treatment can help to relieve symptoms, thereby giving the person an improved quality of life. 


It is important for people to understand that nothing can be predicted, healing and change happens in its own time; it is also not a substitute for medical treatment if that is what is required. If something comes up during the treatment session that I feel needs referral to a GP or other Practitioner, this will be discussed at the time.  


However, CST works very well as a Complementary Therapy, for example, supporting the body whilst other work is done (e.g. Psychotherapy or Chemotherapy), as well as it being a ‘stand-alone’ therapy.

How many sessions will I need?


Usually people have more than one session, may be 4-6 but it depends on what is presented and what might develop at the time.   There will be re-evaluation at each session, with a ‘catch-up’ of how it’s been since the last session; I usually invite people to let me know of any changes or issues that might arise.


Other issues to bear in mind are about chronicity and origin of the problem; length of history; complexity and severity; how much the body may be depleted and in what way.  Sometimes people come with symptoms that are linked with much deeper issues that require more time plus there may be a way of working that has a particular chronology of treatment.


There are different ways of using the sessions: weekly; intensive daily sessions for a short time e.g. a week; multi-hands – more than one Therapist at a time; a period of sessions to bring about change followed by some ‘maintenance’ sessions spread out over a longer period of time; or anytime you feel like a ‘boost’ for your wellbeing; new energy or relaxation.


Change can be very subtle – CST is empowering for the individual


CST can work in a powerful but really subtle way that may not be immediately evident; sometimes the body takes a while to adjust so again, changes may take a while to become known. 


Sometimes it takes a couple of sessions for you to adjust to a ‘new way of being’ and for things to become clear and also to begin to understand how your body is working and responding to what might be a new experience.  Part of the treatment can involve supporting the person to find new ways of ‘tuning in’ to what their body is communicating to them.  Our bodies love to communicate to us and to know that we’re listening!


Sometimes the absence of feeling can be a sign of health; when you’re well, you don’t notice much about your body as it goes about its daily activity, it’s only when something’s out of place that it calls your attention.


A new sensation occasionally arises from the treatment


‘Something has changed’ - Firstly, pain sensations can arise as the tissues are in the process of releasing and shifting; change can hurt transient old injuries – scar accommodation, that might take a little while to heal. There is the analogy of the ‘exercise’ or ‘gym-workout’ that is new for the body and how you might feel stiff the next day, but then this softens in time.


When the body has been out of alignment for a long time, it has become accustomed to the changed position and the feel of it; when it has actually re-aligned itself to the correct position, there will be some discomfort due to the movement, but it is a temporary pain whilst it heals.